October 11, 2008

Beginner's Luck

Welcome one and...well one.
I don't suppose I know what all I shall be doing with this blog, but I certainly feel it's worth experimenting. I suppose in the end I'll be posting my stories, along with just random crap. Funny pictures, rude jokes, or folksy anecdotes that leave you wondering what possible mental illness I may have.
That's all I really have to say for an opener, but It's nice of ya'll to join me here.


Anonymous said...

First comment on the first post!

What do I win?

mfhadley said...

Heya Random,
I'll link to your blog if you'll link to mine? Whadaya say? Here's my blog: http://emailstosms.blogspot.com/
(online since Dec. 2006 and still going strong :) ) Welcome to the Blogosphere, Random, BTB I love your first post :D